Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yay we're all here!

Hi DiJ! I would love a mini-workout from the PX90 guy - I've heard great things about that system. I don't know if I'm hardcore enough for that yet but it's worth a shot!

So lifting is still going pretty well, except I sucked at military presses today. Oh well, those are really hard.

I'm gradually adding more stretching before my workouts, mainly because I am gradually remembering more yoga poses! There is no yoga up here. Well, there's like two aerobiyoga classes at two other gyms miles away from my house. I'd rather just try to remember what I did in my old yoga class every week for two straight years.

My shins are starting to maybe think about hurting when I run and directly after. I did a little googling, and I'm trying RICE as a preventative. When I get home from running, I immediately wrap them in ACE bandages and drape ice bags over them for about 20 minutes, then get up and cook dinner, then ice them some more afterwards.

I do actually feel like a horse, getting polo bandages after a workout. :(

Anyway, I'll let yall know how this works out for me.