Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh hay what's going on in this blog

Ladies, if you ask me any question at all re: cooking I'd be glad to answer it. I think Tamara is writing a great post about nutrition, and I'll probably link back to that and add my own thoughts when she's finished. I keep thinking about looking up some "beginner novice" friendly foodie sites for yall and then getting distracted - I have the attention span of a butterfly. Maybe tonight!

While I haven't been posting, I have been lifting weights and gimping along in my running!

Today's max weights were:
Deadlift 155x5
Bent-over row 115x5 (not sure if I'm doing these right, oh dear)
Military Press 65x5 (HELL YEAH I RULE)

Tuesday I ran outdoors, with the Cersei-dog, in the morning, then lifted in the afternoon. It showed, too - my squats sucked.
Squat 125x2 (down from 130x3 last week!)
Bench 85x5
Assisted Pullup - offset 130 lbs x3, then a break, then -130x4

I am quite happy with the gains I'm making, honestly. I have a bet going that I'll be able to squat and deadlift my body weight by early 2010, but as soon as I accomplish that, I'm going to try to cut my stupid belly fat without losing any of this hard-earned muscle. I don't look much different at a glance, but I have all these little rock-hard muscles everywhere! Yay!

Running - I made it to Week 4 on the c25k on the treadmill, then decided I'd just go run outside with my dog. Almost got heatstroke, discovered real running is completely unlike treadmill running, started over on that. It's a secondary goal. Like I said, I have an Internet Bet going and I can't lose my e-cred.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh man tell me about it. I'm back to running again, and it's SO different out on the pavement versus the treadmill. I can run and run and run and run like CRAZY on the treadmill FOREVER, but out on pavement where there are HILLS? Dude. Exhausting.