Friday, May 15, 2009

Boy I need inspiration.

Man you guys, you are going A LOT better than I am. Between show season suddenly exploding into full swing and working 70 hour weeks (AND riding AND walking the dog AND finding time to have a life AND actually trying to get more than four hours of sleep at night... which never happens), I've just been utterly exhausted and totally uninspired to give up my very precious and very little time off after work to workouts. So I need inspiration... lots of inspiration. I'm tired and I'm weary and my job is 100% physical labor, and I'm a horrible cook who doesn't get her nutritional needs in ever. I need advice. What would YOU do to get motivated?


Funder said...

Seriously? If I were you, I'd learn to cook, and sleep instead of work out. (Your LIFE is challenging enough!) You do PLENTY of weights/cardio just for work, and you've set some fairly "easy" challenges. It's not like you have to PRACTICE to do 100 pushups, you just have to do more pushups every day til you do 100 a day.

I am a pretty good cook with really minimal equipment. (No mixer, no food processor, no blender, etc etc.) If you want I'd be more than glad to help you learn to cook and think about your macro split (fat/carbs/protein). You still have to actually EAT good stuff and SLEEP - but I think you're classically overtrained and under-rested and under-nourished. Would you treat Gogo the way you treat yourself and expect good results?

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with Funder! Relax, eat correctly, and then you might start finding time and energy. If you feel alright, try just going out for a refreshing walk. You could even bring Gogo. ;) You don't have to run and do 100 push ups to be athletic OR in shape--most websites say if you do more then 20-30 sit ups, then you're doing them inefficiently. ;)