Friday, May 22, 2009

Week two of C25k is OVAH!

(Whenever I say "over" in real life, I always say it like the announcer on the old Japanese Iron Chef. "And Battle Pufferfish is OVAH!")

Anyway, I just finished up week 2 of the Couch to 5k. My legs feel great, I'm not even going to wrap and ice them.

Lifting is going well - squats at 75, bench at 75, deadlifts at 90 (!!!), rows at 80, military presses at 60. We won't talk about pullups. They're really hard and I'm gamely giving them my all, but my all is not very much.

I bought a bunch of whey protein from True Protein, so I'm actually getting enough protein now! I got the unflavored stuff because I hate all artificial sweeteners (and stevia) with the passion of a thousand suns. I just add about a tsp of sugar or honey and it's totally drinkable.

I feel awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, week two! You'll be amazed at how awesome your legs feel when you're running 3/4 miles. :) Does it feel like a routine yet?

You sound like you're building bulk/fast twitch muscles with your weights... how many reps do you do?

And, for running... what kind of shoes do you have? How old? Your shoes are going to play a HUGE role in the health of your knees and your shins. :)